Motorcycle conversion Switzerland - What is allowed and what is forbidden?
What technical changes are allowed on motorcycles in Switzerland? This question is not always easy to answer. What is the Bible for believers are the ASA guidelines 2b for us bikers. In the guidelines, which have been developed by the Federal Office of Roads and Transport, all technical changes to motorcycles are looked at in detail. Among the most important information for hobby screwdrivers and professional bike builders are in particular the necessary documents about a problem-free re-registration of the road. You can find all this and much more information in this biker bible.
Although it deals with all technical changes to motorcycles in Switzerland, we want to go into specific questions in more detail. Important: If you still have unanswered questions despite our comments, you can contact us at any time.
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How much does a series or individual acceptance at the DTC cost?
If you see the “Evidence GSP” in ASA Guidelines 2b, you must provide proof of a certificate from a swiss-recognised testing body for the desired conversion. The approved test centres include Dynamic Test Center AG in Vauffelin and FAKT AG in Sennwald. Unfortunately, we cannot give you flat-rate prices – they always differ depending on the desired inspection of the technical attachments and their scope of testing.
Example 1: Fork conversion on motorcycle
If you want to convert the front on your motorcycle, a so-called braking effect and a chassis dynamics measurement is necessary. Such tests cost approx. CHF 4,000 excl. Vat.
Example 2: Frame conversion on the motorcycle
If you want to shorten the frame on your motorcycle, drill a hole or remove a bracket, you need to have an experimental stress analysis performed. Electronic measuring points are attached to the changed points so that the necessary strength can be demonstrated. The costs amount to approx. 7,000 CHF.
DTC Expert Reports: Difference between serial and individual reports
If you decide to take an examination at one of Switzerland’s recognised testing bodies, you have the opportunity to decide between individual reports and serial reports. The big difference is as follows:
In the case of individual reports, the expert opinion is valid exclusively for the vehicle to be tested. If, on the other hand, you decide to do a series report, you can, as the owner, provide the same expert opinion for other vehicles of the same type – as often and as many vehicles as you want.
Motorcycle brake system - brake discs - brake cylinder
Image sources
Cover picture blog post: Solothurn canton police
Contribution image BMW R100 at the DTC: Black Diamond Motorcycles