Leistungssteigerung Auspuffanlage MotorradCategoriesEverything about the law & motorcycle

Bringt ein Auspuff wirklich Mehrleistung?

"Mit einem SPortauspuff habe ich 5-10 PS mehr!"

… diese Aussagen und viele andere Behauptungen findet man oft bei Internetrecherchen, wenn es um Sportauspüffe für Motorräder geht. Doch bringt eine Zubehörauspuffanlage wirklich Mehrleistung? Unsere Erklärung.


Die originale Auspuffanlage

Die originale Auspuffanlage der BMW K- und R-Serie, naja, sagen wir es freundlich ausgedrückt, entspricht nur in den seltensten Fällen den Vorstellungen der Fahrzeugbesitzer. Insbesondere in der Customizing-Szene oder bei Bobber- sowie Cafe Racer Umbauten ist die originale Auspuffanlage häufig ein Dorn im Auge.

Trotzdem: Die Auspuffanlagen wurden durch hochqualifizierte Ingenieure seitens Fahrzeughersteller entwickelt und exakt auf das jeweilige Fahrzeug angepasst, so dass das Motorrad die erforderlichen Geräusch- und Abgasemissionen erfüllt.


Auspuffanlage für Cafe Racer

Insbesondere in der Cafe Racer Szene sind möglichst kurze Auspuffanlagen sehr gefragt. Sie sollen optisch sehr ansprechend wirken, einen schönen Klang haben und am liebsten noch 10 PS mehr bringen. Was jedoch vielen Motorradfahrern nicht bewusst ist, ist der oft bestehende Konflikt zwischen Optik / Leistung und Strassenzulassung.

Eine Auspuffanlage aus dem Zubehör, welche zudem über eine Strassenzulassung verfügt, bringt in der Regel KEINE Mehrleistung. Im Gegenteil: Durch die notwendigen DB-Killer zur Erreichung bzw. Einhaltung der Abgas- und Emissionsvorschriften  resultiert daraus in den meisten Fällen eine Leistungsreduktion! Es ist unmöglich mit einer halb so langen und viel kleineren Auspuffanlage mit DB-Killer im Vergleich zur originalen Auspuffanlage eine höhere Leistung zu erzielen.



Die meisten Leute verbauen die Zubehöranlagen ohne weitere Motoren-bzw. Vergaseranpassungen oder korrigieren in die falsche Richtung und verschlechtern das Benzin- und Luftgemisch indem sie grössere Vergaserdüsen verbauen. Das ist definitiv falsch! Unsere Erfahrung hat gezeigt, dass bei der Verwendung von Sportauspüffen und Sportluftfilter das Fahrzeug ohne weitere Anpassungen viel zu fett läuft. Das heisst: Das Gemisch muss abgemagert werden.

Serienleistung der BMW R100 Modelle

BMW R80 kaufen Schweiz
Die Leistung der R100-Serie von BMW wird mit 51kW angegeben – Leistungsmessungen von Fachzeitschriften und Boxer-Freaks haben während der letzten 40 Jahre jedoch gezeigt, dass die meisten BMW R100 Modelle eine Leistung von ca. 58-60 PS aufweisen. Das sind ca. 10 PS weniger als angegeben. Weiterhin zu unterscheiden ist ebenfalls ob die Leistung am Hinterrad, an der Kupplung oder Kurbelwelle gemessen wurde. Durch den Kardanantrieb ist die Verlustleistung (Differenz zwischen Leistung am Hinterrad und Leistung am Motor) in der Regel bei ca. 10PS.
BMW R80 kaufen Schweiz

BDM ® Shorty Auspuff für BMW R100

Wir haben für die BMW R100 Modelle eine Auspuffanlage für Cafe Racer, Bobber und andere Umbauten entwickelt, die optisch sehr ansprechend ist und mit Gutachten für die Schweizer Zulassung verkauft wird. Der Homologationsprozess war sehr langwierig: Nebst der Einhaltung der Geräuschvorschriften musste das Fahrzeug ebenfalls die geltenden Abgas-Vorschriften erfüllen. Selbstverständlich wurde auch eine Leistungsmessung vorgenommen. Die Prüfstandsmessung hat die Realität bestätigt: Das Fahrzeug hat weniger Leistung.
Für einen Cafe Racer bzw. Bobber ist das aber weiterhin mehr als nur ausreichend – und was für uns alle wichtig ist: Der Klang des Motorrads ist fantastisch und das Ansauggeräusch mit den Sportluftfiltern überzeugt jeden Motorradliebhaber. In Kombination mit unserer Bedüsungs-Empfehlung macht das Fahrzeug ab der ersten Minute unglaublich Spass und zaubert jedem, der das Motorrad fährt, ein Lächeln ins Gesicht.


Titelbild Blog-Beitrag: Black Diamond Motorcycles

Beitragsbilder: Black Diamond Motorcycles

Frame shorten Cafe Racer Bobber Scrambler SwitzerlandCategoriesEverything about the law & motorcycle

Motorcycle frame works

Welding work on the frame, sports air filter, changing rear frame, sport exhaust and license plate holder

What technical changes are allowed on motorcycles in Switzerland? This question is not always easy to answer. What is the Bible for believers are the ASA guidelines 2b for us bikers. In the guidelines, which have been developed by the Federal Office of Roads and Transport, all technical changes to motorcycles are looked at in detail. Among the most important information for hobby screwdrivers and professional bike builders are in particular the necessary documents about a problem-free re-registration of the road. You can find all this and much more information in this biker bible.

Although it deals with all technical changes to motorcycles in Switzerland, we want to go into specific questions in more detail. Important: If you still have unanswered questions despite our comments, you can contact us at any time.

Even better: Use the comment function and help everyone else who is interested in this topic. We are also happy to answer any questions about the comment function.

Your Blackdiamond Motorcycles Team

Can I weld on the frame, cut off brackets or drill holes?

Whether you shorten the frame as in the DTC report for BMW K75, K100, K1100 and K1, remove a bracket or drill a hole – in these cases, a DTC expert opinion is ALWAYS necessary for registration on the MFK or legal use on the road.

You can have such an expert report prepared at the DTC in Vauffelin. The costs amount to at least 6,500 CHF, as the process for verification is very complex. Electronic strain gauges (DMS) are used to demonstrate whether the strength of the frame can still be guaranteed.

We had this checked in the expert report for the R and K series from BMW. So you don’t have to worry about it anymore and you can buy the expert opinion from us without any further effort.

Sports air filter on motorcycle

Cafe Racer Shop Schweiz BMW Boxer R80 R100 K100 K1100 DTC Gutachten
Without DTC expert opinion, sport or mushroom air filters are unfortunately not allowed on motorcycles in Switzerland,as they influence the noise behavior of your motorcycle. If you want to install sports air filters, you have to have a noise measurement carried out at the DTC, which costs approx. 600 CHF.

Don’t worry: If you buy a converted R from us, the sports air filters are entered in the ID card 😉

Cafe Racer Shop Schweiz BMW Boxer R80 R100 K100 K1100 DTC Gutachten
BMW K100 Cafe Racer Auspuff kaufen

Sport exhaust

BMW K100 Cafe Racer Auspuff kaufen

You can replace the exhaust on the motorcycle at any time – but it is important that you have a corresponding CH suitability declaration and THAT EXACT your vehicle type and engine type are listed in the ABE of the exhaust manufacturer.

If you want to install an exhaust without corresponding Swiss papers, you must also have a noise measurement carried out in the DTC, depending on the canton. Such a measurement can cost up to 4,000 CHF.

Mounting the license plate on the side

You may mount the license plate on your motorcycle on the side, as long as the angle of inclination does not exceed 15° and is completely visible from both sides of the motorcycle.

Image sources

Cover blog post: Black Diamond Motorcycles

Post image DNA air filter: Black Diamond Motorcycles

Cafe Racer tyres for sale Switzerland BMW K100CategoriesEverything about the law & motorcycle

Rims, tires, shock absorbers

Wide tires, other rims and shock absorbers

What technical changes are allowed on motorcycles in Switzerland? This question is not always easy to answer. What is the Bible for believers are the ASA guidelines 2b for us bikers. In the guidelines, which have been developed by the Federal Office of Roads and Transport, all technical changes to motorcycles are looked at in detail. Among the most important information for hobby screwdrivers and professional bike builders are in particular the necessary documents about a problem-free re-registration of the road. You can find all this and much more information in this biker bible.

Although it deals with all technical changes to motorcycles in Switzerland, we want to go into specific questions in more detail. Important: If you still have unanswered questions despite our comments, you can contact us at any time.

Even better: Use the comment function and help everyone else who is interested in this topic. We are also happy to answer any questions about the comment function.

Your Blackdiamond Motorcycles Team

Which types /dimensions can be installed in Switzerland?

You can change the tyres of your motorcycle at any time – but there are individual points to consider.

  1. The speed index of your motorcycle type must be adhered to (you can find the info in the type approval – best ask the vehicle manufacturer)
  2. Radial and diagonal tyres must not be mixed
  3. For cross tyres with M+S marking, a special rule applies: the speed index does not have to be adhered to here – but they must be able to drive at at least 130 km/h. In this case, the maximum speed with a sticker can be clearly displayed in the area of the driver.
  4. The roll-off circumference of your tyres must not change more than 8 compared to the original tyres. You can
    this here, for example.
Cafe Racer Reifen kaufen Schweiz BMW K100

Rims from the accessories?

Cafe Racer Reifen kaufen Schweiz BMW K100

You may convert the rims of your motorcycle at any time. However, it is important that you use rims from renowned manufacturers such as Kineo and buy them in Switzerland. For a problem-free registration on the MFK, a CH suitability declaration is necessary. Of course, the wheels to the frame or other components of your motorcycle must be guaranteed at all times.

Lowering or raising motorcycles, can I?

Yes! You may. In any case, however, you need a CH suitability declaration based on an ABE from the manufacturer. If you want to lower or lower the vehicle, it should be noted that the total length of the strut does not change more than 3 cm compared to the original. If the 3 cm with your desired struts can no longer be adhered to, you need a DTC expert opinion.

Our DTC report for the BMW R models covers the longer struts. More information can be found here.

Welding motorcycle frame, changing sports air filter rear frame

BMW R80 Sitzrohr schweissen
You want to shorten or weld your motorcycle frame? Or are you interested in the typical mushroom air filters on motorcycles? In our next blog post, you will find sweating, sports air filters and rear frames for helpful information.
BMW R80 Sitzrohr schweissen

Image sources

Cover blog post: Black Diamond Motorcycles

Post image BMW R100 Detailed view: Black Diamond Motorcycles

LED blinkers change motorcycle SwitzerlandCategoriesEverything about the law & motorcycle

Changes to the lighting

Modification to the lighting on the motorcycle

What technical changes are allowed on motorcycles in Switzerland? This question is not always easy to answer. What is the Bible for believers are the ASA guidelines 2b for us bikers. In the guidelines, which have been developed by the Federal Office of Roads and Transport, all technical changes to motorcycles are looked at in detail. Among the most important information for hobby screwdrivers and professional bike builders are in particular the necessary documents about a problem-free re-registration of the road. You can find all this and much more information in this biker bible.

Although it deals with all technical changes to motorcycles in Switzerland, we want to go into specific questions in more detail. Important: If you still have unanswered questions despite our comments, you can contact us at any time.

Even better: Use the comment function and help everyone else who is interested in this topic. We are also happy to answer any questions about the comment function.

Your Blackdiamond Motorcycles Team

Headlight mbuilding

If you want to change the headlight on your motorcycle, this is not a problem at all. All you have to do is make sure that the headlight has an E sign. Watch out: The cheap headlights from Wish, Alibaba and Co. don’t have this sign and if so, it’s mostly fake. So buy the headlight in Switzerland or Germany. Even just one DOT sign, as is customary in the USA, is not enough for the Swiss Road Law!

Blinker conversion

Important information at the beginning: For all motorcycles that were redeemed before 31.12.2012, there is NO obligation to blink! So you can omit the blinkers. It is not allowed to install blinkers, for example, only at the front or only at the rear. If you’re brunning blinkers, they need to be in operation and working both front and back.

Also for the blinkers: An E-sign is absolutely necessary. What has often led to discussions are so-called handlebar end indicators – although these usually have an E-sign, these are not allowed in Switzerland. The front indicators must not be visible from behind. It is best to talk to your MFK about this.

BMW K100 Gabel umbauen Schweiz

Is a reflector mandatory?

During a conversion you want to hide the reflector as much as possible, as it often does not fit the overall picture of the motorcycle. Unfortunately, this is not possible. In Switzerland, a reflector with an E-sign in the middle of the vehicle axle is required. The inspectors at the road traffic offices attach great importance to this. If the reflector is missing, you need to check.

Are you interested in technical changes to the tyres, rims and shock absorbers of your motorcycle? No problem. In our next blog post rims, tires, shock absorbers you will find helpful information.

Image sources

Cover blog post: Black Diamond Motorcycles

Contribution image BMW R100 handlebar unit: Black Diamond Motorcycles

BMW R100 fork bridge exchange DTC expertiseCategoriesEverything about the law & motorcycle

Modifications to the steering device

Modifications to the steering device

What technical changes are allowed on motorcycles in Switzerland? This question is not always easy to answer. What is the Bible for believers are the ASA guidelines 2b for us bikers. In the guidelines, which have been developed by the Federal Office of Roads and Transport, all technical changes to motorcycles are looked at in detail. Among the most important information for hobby screwdrivers and professional bike builders are in particular the necessary documents about a problem-free re-registration of the road. You can find all this and much more information in this biker bible.

Although it deals with all technical changes to motorcycles in Switzerland, we want to go into specific questions in more detail. Important: If you still have unanswered questions despite our comments, you can contact us at any time.

Even better: Use the comment function and help everyone else who is interested in this topic. We are also happy to answer any questions about the comment function.

Your Blackdiamond Motorcycles Team

DTC Gutachten BMW R80 BMW R100 Schweiz

Replacing the handlebars

DTC Gutachten BMW R80 BMW R100 Schweiz
If you want to replace the original handlebars of your motorcycle, a declaration of suitability from a Swiss importer is sufficient. Make sure you only buy handlebars from well-known brands (e.g. LSL). There you get the corresponding document and an entry on the MFK nothing stands in the way.

With our DTC expert report for the BMW K100 you can install the original stub handlebars of the BMW S1000RR.

Replacing the fork bridges

With a desired replacement of the fork bridges, it already looks more difficult. You can only replace the fork bridges on your motorcycle if you have a DTC report for it. Unfortunately, the fork bridges you can buy in accessories are often without appropriate documents.

For this reason, we advise you to purchase our DTC report. With this you can register the
fork bridges from RCO
for BMW R80 / R100 without any problems. Of course, this also applies to the clamping blocks on which you fix the handlebars.

Rearview mirror on motorcycle

In the accessories there are many rear-view mirrors for motorcycles to buy – absolutely right! The conversion of the mirrors already makes a lot of visual and is permitted in Switzerland without any problems if the mirrors have a corresponding E-sign. Mirrors without E-signs are not allowed. A demonstration at the MFK is not necessary! There is also the following rule:

  • For bikes that were redeemed for the first time until 31.12.2016: It is sufficient if you have a mirror with the size of 50cm2.
  • For all bikes that were redeemed for the first time after 31.12.2016, you must have installed two mirrors with the size of 69cm2.

Change speedometer

You may change the speedometer on your motorcycle at any time – it does not require any expert opinions. During the periodic test, the speed is checked by the expert with a GPS device.

LED Blinker wechseln Motorrad Schweiz

Changes to the lighting

LED Blinker wechseln Motorrad Schweiz

Are you interested in technical changes to the lighting (headlights, blinkers, reflectors) of your motorcycle? No problem. You’ll find helpful information in our next blog post Modification to Lighting.

Image sources

Cover blog post: Black Diamond Motorcycles

Contribution image BMW R100 handlebar unit: Black Diamond Motorcycles

BMW K100 BMW S1000RR Fork conversion Steel flex brake lines MotorcycleCategoriesEverything about the law & motorcycle

Conversion of the braking system

Conversion of braking systems on motorcycles

What technical changes are allowed on motorcycles in Switzerland? This question is not always easy to answer. What is the Bible for believers are the ASA guidelines 2b for us bikers. In the guidelines, which have been developed by the Federal Office of Roads and Transport, all technical changes to motorcycles are looked at in detail. Among the most important information for hobby screwdrivers and professional bike builders are in particular the necessary documents about a problem-free re-registration of the road. You can find all this and much more information in this biker bible.

Although it deals with all technical changes to motorcycles in Switzerland, we want to go into specific questions in more detail. Important: If you still have unanswered questions despite our comments, you can contact us at any time.

Even better: Use the comment function and help everyone else who is interested in this topic. We are also happy to answer any questions about the comment function.

Your Blackdiamond Motorcycles Team

Replacing brake discs

The braking system is a safety-relevant component, which is why the requirements in Switzerland are very strict.

If you want to replace the brake disc on your motorcycle, it looks like this:

  1. Replacement of the brake disc with a spare part of the same design, with the same dimensions (punched / slotted, number of holes, one-piece or multi-piece, arrangement of the holes, type of material): In this case, the brake disc may be installed without further documents. A show at the MFK is also not necessary. Nevertheless, we recommend that you bring a corresponding document from the manufacturer (e.g. Brembo).
  2. Replacement of the original brake disc with different products: In this case, a DTC reportis always required, which certifies that the newly installed brake discs meet at least the requirements for the original products. The test is carried out in a costly hot test procedure, which costs approx. 5,000 CHF.

Conversion to punched or larger brake discs

If you want to replace the brake discs of your motorcycle with larger or perforated products, you can only do so with a DTC report. Evidence must be provided by an GSP that the replacement products are suitable for your vehicle and can withstand the loads.

However, the whole thing is spared for example with our DTC report front conversion for the BMW K75, K100, K1100 and K1 – we have already had this checked. The only thing you have to do is buy our expert opinion.

Other brake cylinder on the handlebars

If you want to replace the original brake cylinder on the handlebars, you can do so without further expert opinion if the design (axial / radial, piston diameter and mounting point) remains unchanged compared to the original.

In the case of the BMW R-Series (R60, R80, R100, etc.) you cannot simply change the brake cylinder because it was originally mounted under the tank (at least with the early models). In this case, you change the attachment point and you need a DTC report. But here, too, we are happy to help you. With our DTC expert opinion for the BMW R80 / R100 etc., you can easily install the Brembo PS-16 brake cylinder and have it entered on the MFK.

Steel flex brake lines

There are several advantages to replacing the original brake lines with steel flex brake lines. Among other things, you can build up a higher braking pressure, which has a positive effect on the braking behavior of your motorcycle. Apart from that, the durability is of course also much higher.

Compared to our neighbors in Germany, you can replace the stahlflex lines without further expert opinion. You don’t have to show your motorcycle either. Excluded from this rule are motorcycles with an ABS system. In this case, you will need a declaration of suitability from the importer of the products.

LED Blinker wechseln Motorrad Schweiz
Modifications to the steering device - Handlebars - Fork bridges - Speedometer - Rearview mirror
LED Blinker wechseln Motorrad Schweiz

Are you interested in technical changes to the steering device (handlebars, fork bridges, speedometer, rear-view mirror) of your motorcycle? No problem. You’ll find helpful information in our next blog post Modification of the steering device.

Image sources

Cover blog post: Black Diamond Motorcycles

Contribution image BMW K100 Front: Black Diamond Motorcycles

Motorcycle conversion Switzerland what is allowed and what forbidden cantonal police SolothurnCategoriesEverything about the law & motorcycle

Motorcycle conversion in Switzerland

Motorcycle conversion Switzerland - What is allowed and what is forbidden?

What technical changes are allowed on motorcycles in Switzerland? This question is not always easy to answer. What is the Bible for believers are the ASA guidelines 2b for us bikers. In the guidelines, which have been developed by the Federal Office of Roads and Transport, all technical changes to motorcycles are looked at in detail. Among the most important information for hobby screwdrivers and professional bike builders are in particular the necessary documents about a problem-free re-registration of the road. You can find all this and much more information in this biker bible.

Although it deals with all technical changes to motorcycles in Switzerland, we want to go into specific questions in more detail. Important: If you still have unanswered questions despite our comments, you can contact us at any time.

Even better: Use the comment function and help everyone else who is interested in this topic. We are also happy to answer any questions about the comment function.

Your Blackdiamond Motorcycles Team

How much does a series or individual acceptance at the DTC cost?

If you see the “Evidence GSP” in ASA Guidelines 2b, you must provide proof of a certificate from a swiss-recognised testing body for the desired conversion. The approved test centres include Dynamic Test Center AG in Vauffelin and FAKT AG in Sennwald. Unfortunately, we cannot give you flat-rate prices – they always differ depending on the desired inspection of the technical attachments and their scope of testing.

Example 1: Fork conversion on motorcycle

If you want to convert the front on your motorcycle, a so-called braking effect and a chassis dynamics measurement is necessary. Such tests cost approx. CHF 4,000 excl. Vat.

Example 2: Frame conversion on the motorcycle

If you want to shorten the frame on your motorcycle, drill a hole or remove a bracket, you need to have an experimental stress analysis performed. Electronic measuring points are attached to the changed points so that the necessary strength can be demonstrated. The costs amount to approx. 7,000 CHF.

DTC Expert Reports: Difference between serial and individual reports

If you decide to take an examination at one of Switzerland’s recognised testing bodies, you have the opportunity to decide between individual reports and serial reports. The big difference is as follows:

In the case of individual reports, the expert opinion is valid exclusively for the vehicle to be tested. If, on the other hand, you decide to do a series report, you can, as the owner, provide the same expert opinion for other vehicles of the same type – as often and as many vehicles as you want.

Voltage Analysis BMW R100 DTC AG

Motorcycle brake system - brake discs - brake cylinder

Are you interested in technical changes to the braking system of your motorcycle? No problem. In our next blog post Conversion of the brake system you will find helpful information.

Image sources

Cover picture blog post: Solothurn canton police

Contribution image BMW R100 at the DTC: Black Diamond Motorcycles